Tuesday, February 22, 2011


in an ever-present need to find creative outlets, i think i'd like to start writing.

i haven't kept a blog for a few years, so we'll give it shot. additionally, there really something is in my head telling me to write down my stories/ramblings/musings.

goals: express my thoughts and frustrations in a healthy way. provide useful commentary on article, pictures, videos i find interesting in some way. work on my writing skills.

facts/stats: aged 27. 6'3". 197 lbs (as of this past weekend, wahoo!!). i teach high school english in cupertino. i am single (though working on it). i live in willow glen with clemente and ambrosia. i do not use capital letters very often.

that should do for now. i would like to update often; not just for myself but for the relief of those that follow me on thefacebook. this should be fun, though i expect it to be difficult at times, especially as i really start to explore what's going on inside.


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