Thursday, April 28, 2011

to my friend/s, the lawyer/s...

dear chris,


go forth.

go forth into the fray and exuuuude the law. be the law. you ARE the law.

*very* little known fact… instead of doctor, i played lawyer. well, judge. peter the rabbit was the prosecution, corduroy the bear the defense, and i… i was judge. jury. and, oh… oh and there were executions involved (a rather gory example being a mass hanging of my sister’s barbies from the swing set in the backyard [we tried to negotiate, but the required dill pickle spears simple never appeared]). no, i’m not kidding. i liked the idea of setting things the “way they should be.”

(my sense of entitlement at age eight is not surprising, really.)


i’m in awe of you. so much work goes into what you people do, and i’m jealous. i’m jealous because, well, quite frankly, i don’t have that kind of commitment in me, and i’m really proud of you for all the work you’ve put into this next chapter in your life.

i know our friendship is new, and has had its ins and outs, but my pride remains nonetheless.

anyway… good luck w/ finals. when i have a big project that i have to hunker-down for due i always bake a nice batch of cookies, have lots of snacks on hand, and surround myself with lovely inspirational images and messages, haha. silly, but works for me.

miss you face!! go get ‘em. :)



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