Thursday, April 28, 2011

theme for english b.

the instructor said,

“go home and write

a page tonight.

and let that page come out of you--

then, it will be true.”

i can’t be that easy... right?

let’s see-- i am 27, unmarried, from a strange place.

schooled amongst the bovine

i began anew at the sea

then traversed the back of the holy cross

to this valley of transistors and chips

into the belly of st. joseph

where i sit down and write this page:

this is an unexpectedly difficult phase of life.

freed from familial shackles

and the chains of conformity

yet a prisoner to the letters behind my name

and the bitch of living.

to be a one in a land of twos is lonely...

were you expecting anyone else to join you, tonight?

youth, learning, laughing, loving are what keep me going;

despite appearances

i keep my thoughts and feelings my own,

my mask kinda stuck on.

to those my own age and of my tribe i can hardly relate,

yet it is within the young

i find acceptance,

and friendship,

and love.

while your learning concrete,

bound by meaningless scores and grades,

the knowledge i accrue

runs deep and

hits me to the core,

awakening the fire within me to burn,

and spread,

and grow.

this is my page for english b.

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