Saturday, March 5, 2011

new chapter.

i've been selected to be hhs's newest avid (link) teacher.

it hasn't quite set in yet. i am honoured, and overwhelmed, and deeply, deeply humbled.

i can't WAIT to meet my kids... and i get to this week!! the other avid teachers and i will be traveling to our two feeder schools to interview the kids, and figure out if they and i and the program will be a good match.

however i'm super-intimidated by this. i *don't* interact with young kiddos at all so it'll be interesting, to say the least. and i'm not exactly... normal. i mean the relationship i have with my cherubs is one of the more unique on campus, so i'm trying to figure out how to give them a dosage of vitamin j strong enough for them to know what they're getting into, but not enough to give them a seizure.

that'll be the first day of class.

it just FITS. i'm not a good teacher b/c i know the most about english and/or writing, i'm a great teacher b/c i know how to connect with the kids, and inspire them, and make them realize that they are special (in their own way) and unique and LOVED.

and i do. i love them blindly. and the kids that *get* it really get that. and that's what avid is all about... it's about getting the kids to understand and believe how fucking awesome they are. i mean that's pretty much it.

and i can do that.

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